I Am A Male Stripper
by Ann Randall (9-B-1)
⭑ I am employed as a stripper in a Chicago Night club. This year I have performed in New Orleans, San Fransisco, New York and Los Angeles. My name is familiar to most night- club goers and my pictures adorn many of the girly magazines that men like so much.
Being a stripper is an unusual occupation, not many women would like the work, it is tiring, the hours ar long and irregular, and one must suffer the stignatism that goes with the profession. But to those women who are strippers, it is a fascinating job and if you are good, fairly re- warding. But that's not why my part as a stripper is unique. though not many women even fewer men are. MAN.
You see, are strippers,
and I'M A
I would like to tell my story from the beginning.
Ι was born Gary Stern on October 18, 1941, in the on Long Island.
suburbs of New York
In my youth, I was